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"One of the best Cafe's on The Gold Coast"





Reputation for excellent in food, coffee and service

Over $1,300,000 in annual sales

Loyal and supportive staff in place

Economical to run, with very reasonable rent and no ongoing charges

Predominantly run under management and offers a 41% ROI , owner does 1 shift per week, + wages, payments and rosters

Sales of over $100,000.00 per month

Over $96,000 of quality plant and equipment, fixtures and fitting are included in the sale

Plenty of growth and expansion opportunities

Run as an owner/operator, would increase the bottom line by $85,000.00 per year

Enquire Now

This Listing Reference


If you enquiring for more than one listings please enter all of them in form separating by commas i.e 1111, 1234, 1235

Thank you for your enquiry, one of our agent will be in touch with you.

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